What are Doshas?

Doshas are the interplay of the five elements (air, space, fire, earth, & water) that form the blueprint of our physiology/tendencies.

There are three doshas:  Vata (air + space), Pitta (fire + earth), & Kapha (water + earth).

Each individual is a unique combination of the three doshas.

While our dosha doesn’t change throughout our lifetime, it does move in and out of balance in accordance with the seasons, our age, and stressors on our mind/body.

The shift is our dosha in call Vikriti

If you are interested in learning more about which dosha may be out of balance, take the following Vikriti: Dosha Imbalance Quiz to see which dosha is weighing the heaviest for you right now. Then, use yesterday’s handout for ideas on how to bring yourself back into balance.

Note, this shift can occur over the course of several month or several moments. Play around with taking this quiz at different times of the day to see how you are showing up.